Six nice bits of social 2
A little round up of six nice bits of social that we saw this week. If you spot any next week, don’t forget to tell us on Twitter.
Dominos – #lookdown
What it is: One of our favourite bits of social from last week was BA’s #lookup activity. Dominos have spoofed the ad with their own #lookdown piece of activity. Hilarity ensues.
Why we like it: It’s a nice stunt that probably cost very little to do but will get them a lot of online mentions. Clever.
Darth Vader’s selfie
What it is: Seemingly WAY ahead of the new Star Wars launch, Lucas Films have set up an instagram account and have been posting old set footage along with some new original content to whet fans’ appetites.
Why we like it: It’s not over thought, or over complicated. It’s just stuff Star Wars fans will love to see. Which is probably why they’ve already racked up 180,475 followers.
The Famous Grouse – Make Someone Famous
What it is: A website when you can customise a bottle of Famous Grouse by designing a label. Well, you can add a name and a message.
Why we like it: Directly linked to sales (you have to have bought a bottle of special edition) this is a nice value add to customers, and at this time of year something that we think a lot of people will actually do.
Waterstones – O.W.L.S
What it is: A another spoof. This time jumping on the somewhat crazy amount of coverage the Amazon Drone stunt video (and it’s clearly a stunt at this point) achieved, and mixing it with another popular thing on the Internet – Harry Potter. Waterstones have produced this video announcing their new delivery service, powered by owls.
Why we like it: Perfectly timed, reactive bit of video content linked to the brand with a bit of magic.
A Social Media Agency – Santa’s list
What it is: A rather simple little web app that searches your tweets for certain words and determines whether you’ve been naughty or nice.
Why we like it: Aside from the fact that it’s from an agency that called themselves ‘a social media agency’ – it’s quite a cute and simple little gimmick.
Purina – How to take care of your human
What it is: Purina have teamed up with BuzzFeed to create this video that follows a little cat around, confused about the actions of its owners.
Why we like it: It has cats. Is that not enough? Okay – it’s refreshing to see a brand comfortable enough to create branded content with a third party – BuzzFeed’s HUGE audience loves cats to it makes sense to house this video on their video channel.
That’s it for this week. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter for good, no-nonsense social links during the week, and subscribe to our weekly round up of good stuff
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