Not a day goes past without some mainstream media post about Twitter. It really is the poster child for social media. But, how many people in mainstream media really get it? As in enough to know the difference between the number of people a user follower, and the number or people that follow that user? Read More
Facebook today rolled out notices at the top of the news feed section encouraging users to use their automatic friend finder tool. If you haven’t logged in yet today, you’ll be prompted to try out the tool with the notice that many of your friends have already successfully found friends using the tool. Read More
They say don’t judge a book by its cover, but let’s face it, we all do. And on the Internet, where a new blog, Twitter feed or YouTube page is just a click away, first impressions really count. If you haven’t grabbed that person’s attention in the first 5 seconds, unless they are there for a reason, they’ll probably navigate away. Now this isn’t to say that great content won’t attract people to your outpost, but why put unnecessary hurdles in the way? This post isn’t going to go into the details of writing good content, but instead is focused purely on the aesthetics of your outposts. Read More
Marketing Sherpa has released a report titled “2010 Social Media Marketing Benchmark report” which details the importance of strategy in social media marketing.
It demonstrates that we are shifting phase in the social media marketing roll out, from the trial phase, where companies dip their toes in the social media ocean, to the strategic phase, where companies begin to integrate social media into to their core business. It is important to note that in the trial phase, companies are concerned with learning what works, largely by trial and error. As we move in to the strategic phase the focus shifts to proving the value of social media activity through quantifiable ROI, among other success measures. Read More
It just goes to show the power of connected networks. What started off as a a graduate asking the girls in her department has spread quickly around the internet, being sent from department to department, company to company:
From: Leam-Taylor, Holly (UK – London)
Sent: 08 December 2009 11:50
Subject: Deloitte First year analysts Christmas Awards :D
So girls….
It’s been nearly 4 months at Deloitte so I think we should have some sort of Xmas awards ceremony for us ladies about the stuff that really matters at work i.e. gossip/ the boys! This probably massively violates the HR equal opportunities policy, but never mind! It’s all for fun and a bit of a laugh.
Ok, so the categories are below, please get your votes in asap, I’ll send out the results on Friday 18th Dec (that is all I will be doing that day as I will be SO hungover from the ball!) Any comments as to why you’ve picked a certain person that are particularly good/hilarious can be included, anonymously, of course ;)
1.) Fittest boy – looks
2.) Fittest boy – body
3.) Best dressed boy
4.) Boy most likely to sleep his way to the top
5.) Best piece of gossip you’ve heard so far this year
6.) Most attractive “older” member of staff (i.e above analyst grade)
7.) Boy with the best personality
8.) Most hilarious/embarrassing moment a girl has had
9.) The official Deloitte First-year Analyst Girls “Man of the year”
Enjoy thinking about it!
Much love to all
Holly xxx
The email has been forwarded through all the major financial institutions in London, and from them, major companies in the world. In just two days. Now the girl in question, Holly Leam-Taylor has taken down her Twitter and Facebook pages, probably trying to shy away from her new found internet fame. Just need to search google to see why…
In their increasing attempt to dominate the social space Facebook has announced drastic changes to the privacy controls of a person’s profile and content. In short, Facebook wants you to share your content with everyone.
One of the reasons that Facebook has proved popular was that it was a walled community. It was a place for you and your friends, not the strange guy who lives down the road. Facebook has been continually opening itself up, and in the process been alienating users. Read More
Real time search is here, and it’s not just for events. Real time search brings a whole new meaning to Googling yourself. Now, when Google tells the world what you’re saying as well as what websites you have:

I checked it out and sure enough within a few seconds my tweets had appeared in Google. That is super fast indexing. But what also grabbed my attention was that it displayed the title of my link. Something I’ve wanted Twitter to implement for a while.
What do you think, is this actually useful or is it a nice idea that has little practical use?
Here’s a very brief guide to social media platforms and how they are used for traffic generation and social branding. It’s based on my previous post, but has a more updated model. Let me know your thoughts, still a work in progress.
The social media landscape is vast, with different tools and platforms offering different services. Each of these platforms can be used in different ways by brands, so to simplify thing I’ve created this Venn diagram to show how the different platforms fit together. You can see a bigger version by clicking the image.

Ever wanted to be able to export all uses of a particular hashtag? Well, turns out you can, and very easily with a tool called The Archivist. And the company behind it? Twitter? Tweetdeck? No, Microsoft!

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Everybody clicks on links and can end up at a site and they can’t tell what the site is about. This is even more true for a lot of blog, which tend to have the latest post on the front page, without much context. This can be confusing for newcomers. Put it this way, imagine opening the book and the first page you find is actually page 129. Read More