Marketing underwent a massive shift in the last half century, with traditional methods of mass marketing moving to more niche strategies, targeting small groups or even individuals. The change came about as companies were able to learn more about their customers; improvements in technology meant they were able to gather huge amounts of transactional data and use this information to target relevant marketing material to their customers. Read More
Facebook Insights does a really good job of showing you average stats for your Facebook pages, allowing you to see at a glance how your page is performing. What it has lacked thus far is a way of seeing which posts specifically are doing well, aside from looking at the number of interactions per post i.e. the number of times the post has been commented on and liked. Read More
User editable pages that contain information around a given subject. They facilitate the sharing of knowledge by online communities by allowing multiple users to contribute to a wider pool of knowledge. Most notable example is Wikipedia.
A small application performing a specific function that can be shared on the web.
A seminar conducted online.
User generated keywords that are applied to content. Typically used to organise content and facilitate easy searching of archives.
Users that consume content without commenting
Social networking sites were initially sites where each user created a profile and was able to add other users to their network. The medium has grown, absorbing features from other areas of social media, so whilst they are their own genre, their feature sets overlap heavily with other tools. Most large social networks, including Facebook and MySpace all include blogging, instant messaging, internal messaging, bulletin board as well as much other functionality.
An umbrella term referring to a large number of applications and services that enable interaction, communication and collaboration with other people online.
Where a user collects the URLs of sites they consider to be funny, interesting or useful for future reference.
A quantitative measure of the feeling behind online content, such as blogs posts and comments.